Case by Case: The Boozecast
The weekly boozecast where we try and discuss all the various pre-packaged alcoholic drinks you have seen popping up at your local beverage outlet. We discuss the pros, the cons, and everything in between. Mixing in some opinionated reviews of society, pop culture, and beverages, no one is safe from the scrutinizing eyes of the Boozecast! Join Matt and Kenny for some weekly fun!
Case by Case: The Boozecast
Case 9: The Case of the SLRRRP Shots
Matt and Kenny
Season 1
Episode 9
Are you in the mood for some alcohol infused gelatin? I've got some seriously big news for you man. This episode we slrrrp'd down some SLRRRP shots. Did they leave us saying J-E-L-L-O or hell no no no no? Take a listen and find out the result. We discuss how meth heads are antique fan enthusiasts, share some jello shot stories, and but wait, there's more! Find out if this one is a must or a bust this week. Be sure to check us out on social media and listen in wherever you listen to podcasts! https://www.casebycasepod.com